Thursday, July 30, 2009

"World Piece" music project

So, the fantastic and talented Jim Bosse from the Colorado Springs Guitar Society posted an event listing for an upcoming concert with a brilliant young Argentinian guitarist/composer named Claudio Maldonado. As is the norm, I had to go search out an image to accompany the listing (you know, to give it a little 'zazz) and came across an image of Maldonado that was originally used in a blog that documents a fascinating three-month collaborative between young musicians from around the world. I thought that readers of this blog might be interested (regardless of the fact that the material is a year old), so here's a brief synopsis and link to the World Piece blog:

10 young composers have been brought together from across the entire world to California to work as a team writing a collaborative piece of music in a project called 'A Counterpoint of Tolerance'. Call it a world/modern music version of 'Feed the World' if you will!

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